Saturday, November 3, 2007

That Heavenly Scent of Cofee

I am sure there are thousands like me who just find that heavenly scent of coffee maddening. I can’t imagine a day without a regular large mug of coffee to boost me. I’m not particular with my brand of coffee. I down almost everything, branded, plain, fancy, light/low-fat, instant, flavored, plain, iced, creamy, Arabic espresso, name it. Getting your boost from a well-known coffee-shop may be an added factor but never a requirement. Nonetheless, which coffee-lover could resist that divine whiff coming out of a Starbucks outlet? Are Starbucks fanatics really over-doing it? Do you get an unnatural high when you have a cup of Starbucks in your hand?
Just a tidbits from my leisure net-surfing:

1. Starbucks 361 thumbs-up, 194 thumbs-down
A major coffee chain that people obviously think is the devil's brew. Starbucks is apparently 'The Man' taking over the Earth.
Naysayer: "I hate Starbucks! It's turning America into mindless clones!"
Me: "Dude, get over it. It's just coffee. Let me drink my frappuchino in peace."

2. Starbucks 531 thumbs-up, 373 thumbs-down
the status symbol plague of america in liquid's the only beverage accessory to your outfit now. and every mindless drone who goes there thinks that they're artsy, posh, and sophisticated if they visit a starbucks or carry around a drink with its logo, despite the fact that just about anyone can buy from there?
Serena stopped by starbucks in the morning to buy a mocca java and she finished it in 5 minutes flat but more importantly she carried the empty cup with its starbucks logo around to each of her next 6 class periods of the day.
Tara almost sold her soul to work at starbucks, now she finally got the job, thinks she’s in paradise, and brags about how she can make the best frappacinos and can serve her admiring friends for free. As you can see, she’s truly made it in life.

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