Wednesday, October 20, 2010

i want to....

feed my misery with sad songs

spill tears over sad silly movies

stare into nothingness for hours

strip my mind of everything

but what i want the most....

is for you to be beside me to share this moment

1 comment:

marie jeanne jourdan said...

Dear Maldita, I'm French, I whrite to you, to thank you for the photograph of life's tree I have found on a french blog about old trees. I have also a blog http// I hope the english traduce is better than the french traduce of your blog!
I answer why don't Bahreïn try to import others trees proposis like this one to make a forest which be exploited? May be water is too far for the seeds but trees imported could sprount? I answer also if Prosopis leaves can be used too feed latent making cocoon of silk; it would a good business isnt'it?
If one tree can sprount why not a forest? I'm very interested by fighting against desert. I hope you can understand my bad english!